Steven Barnes's The Cestus Deception, set within the expansive Star Wars universe, presents a compelling premise ? a high-stakes mystery on a remote world with Je...
Alan Dean Foster's "The Approaching Storm," the second novel in his "Shadows of the Empire" series, sets the stage for a galactic power struggle amidst the shadows. It delves deeper into Prince X...
Dave Wolverton's "Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates," part of the Star Wars Missions series, plunges readers into a thrilling adventure set in the Outer Rim. This Young Adult novel follows...
"The Ruins of Dantooine," a novel set within the Star Wars Galaxies universe, offers a tantalizing blend of mystery and exploration. Authors Vor...
Greg Bear's "Rogue Planet" is a thrilling installment in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, plunging readers into a complex narrative entangled with political intrigue, ancient mysteries, and the ever-present thr...
Greg Bear's Rogue Planet is a compelling addition to the Star Wars expanded universe, offering a unique blend of classic adventure and philosophical exploration. The novel center...
"Red Harvest" by Joe Schreiber plunges us into the dark underbelly of the Outer Rim in a thrilling tale set between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope." The story centers on bounty hunter...
A.C. Crispin's Rebel Dawn plunges readers into the heart of the burgeoning Rebel Alliance, chronicling the early stages of their fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire. It’s a thrilling story that captu...
Timothy Zahn's "Outbound Flight," set a full decade before the events of "A New Hope," offers a fresh perspective on the burgeoning galactic empire. The story follows Captain Jav...
Joe Schreiber's "Maul: Lockdown" plunges us into the shadowy underworld of a galaxy teeming with criminal activity. This book delves into the mind of Darth Maul, following his tumultu...
Joe Schreiber's "Darth Maul: Lockdown" throws readers into a claustrophobic battleground where the ruthless Sith Lord finds himself incarcerated on a desolate prison moon. While trappe...
John Jackson Miller's "Knight Errant" is a compelling addition to the Expanded Universe (now Legends), immersing readers in the adventures of Jedi Knight Kerra Holt during the tumultuous period fol...