Alexander Freed's "Victory's Price," the fifth installment in the popular Star Wars: Aftermath series, dives headfirst into the turbulent early years of the New Republic. Set immediately after the events of "Leia, Prince...
Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn: Treason," the third installment in his acclaimed Thrawn trilogy, dives deep into the Grand Admiral's cunning mind and explores the complexities of loyalty, manipulation, and...
Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil" plunges us into the formative years of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a beloved Star Wars character, offering a fascinating glimpse into his stra...
Timothy Zahn's return to the Star Wars universe with Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good is a welcome reunion. This first installment in a planned trilogy f...
Timothy Zahn, the mastermind behind the original Thrawn trilogy, returns to the beloved Chiss Grand Admiral in "Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising," the first book in a new trilogy focusing on Thra...
Timothy Zahn, the architect of Grand Admiral Thrawn's original rise to infamy, returns in "Thrawn: Alliances," a captivating prequel exploring the intricate machinations between Thrawn and D...
Timothy Zahn's Thrawn introduces readers to one of Star Wars' most iconic villains, Grand Admiral Thrawn. Set after the events of Return of the Jedi , this novel delves into the cunning st...
Beth Revis's "The Princess and the Scoundrel" is a Star Wars novel that dives into Leia Organa's early adventures after her daring escape from the clutches of the Em...
John Jackson Miller's "The Living Force," set between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope," plunges us into the tumultuous era of the early Galactic Empire. It follows Jedi Knight Kan...
Elizabeth Wein's "Cobalt Squadron," set between "The Last Jedi" and "The Rise of Skywalker," offers a thrilling deep dive into the Resistance's struggle for survival. Weaving a story around a group of y...
Cavan Scott's "The High Republic: The Rising Storm," the second installment in the sweeping "High Republic" saga, continues to weave a captivating tapestry of adventure and intrig...
Claudia Gray's "The Fallen Star," the second installment in Lucasfilm Publishing's ambitious "High Republic" initiative, takes a thrillingly divergent path from its predecessor. While "Light of the Jedi...