Zoraida C?rdova's "The High Republic: Convergence," the climactic installment in the first phase of the High Republic publishing initiative, attempts to...
Lydia Kang's "The High Republic: Cataclysm" plunges us into a pivotal moment within the Star Wars universe, showcasing the Jedi Order at its zenith before the cataclysmic event known as the Great Disas...
James Luceno's "Tarkin" offers a captivating exploration into the origins and psyche of one of Star Wars' most iconic villains, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Set during the tumultuous early y...
Rae Carson's "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition" attempts to bridge the gap between the film adaptation and a deeper exploration of the characters an...
Jason Fry's "Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition" serves as a compelling companion piece to the film, diving deeper into the events surrounding Rey,...
Alan Dean Foster's "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is a novelization of the 2015 blockbuster film, bridging the gap between the classic trilogy and the new generation of heroes. It ex...
Adam Christopher's "Shadow of the Sith" throws readers into a thrilling adventure set shortly after the Clone Wars, offering a fresh perspective on the tumultuous times between Order 66...
Alexander Freed's Shadow Fall, the second installment in his Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy, continues the story of its plucky band of pilots struggling to survive against a resurgent Imperial threat. The novel delv...
Mur Lafferty's Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition dives deeper into the beloved smuggler Han Solo's origin story, enriching the film with backstory and detail. This novel, while based on...
Alexander Freed's novel "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" attempts to flesh out the events leading up to the iconic film of the same name. While it successfully paints a broader picture of the Rebel Alliance's...
Rebecca Roanhorse's "Resistance Reborn," the first novel in the "Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures" series, plunges us back into the hopeful era of the Jedi Order's flourishing and t...
Beth Revis' Rebel Rising offers a captivating prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy, focusing on Leia Organa's formative years during her rebellious awakening. The story delves into her early training...