E.K. Johnston?s Queen's Shadow offers a compelling prequel to the well-loved Star Wars saga, delving into the formative years of Queen Amidala before her fateful journey with Jedi Knight Qui-Gon...
E.K. Johnston's "Queen's Peril," the second installment in her trilogy chronicling Queen Padm? Amidala's reign, is a gripping tale woven into the fabric of prequel-era Star Wars. It delves dee...
E.K. Johnston's "Queen's Hope," the second installment in her Star Wars: The Aftermath trilogy, delves deeper into the tumultuous world of Padm? Amidala following the Clone Wars. With a focus on diplomacy and internal conf...
Alex Segura's "Poe Dameron: Free Fall" plunges readers headfirst into the heart of the Resistance's desperate struggle against the First Order. The story follows Poe Dameron, beloved pilot...
Delilah S. Dawson's "Phasma" delves into the life of Captain Phasma, the imposing chrome-clad First Order officer who captivated audiences with her silent menace in the sequel trilogy. Whi...
Kiersten White's "Padawan" plunges us into the tumultuous world of young Jedi training, specifically focusing on the promising but impulsive Jedi Padawan, Dooku. Set in a time before the Clone Wars, it off...
Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry's "Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure" takes us on a pulse-pounding chase across the galaxy, following Leia Organa as she navigates...
Rae Carson's "Most Wanted" is a thrilling space adventure that throws readers into the heart of the Outer Rim, where cunning smugglers and ruthless bounty hunters clash under the looming...
Claudia Gray's Master & Apprentice offers a captivating prequel story set decades before the Skywalker saga, focusing on the dynamic between young Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, the hea...
Claudia Gray's Lost Stars offers a compelling journey through the Galactic Civil War, weaving a tale of love, loss, and sacrifice through the intertwined stories of Thane Kyrell and Roan, two...
Paul S. Kemp's "Lords of the Sith" plunges readers into a chilling exploration of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine's ruthless rule. Set during the reign of terror between R...
Claudia Gray's "Leia, Princess of Alderaan" plunges us into a crucial period in Leia Organa's life, exploring her formative years before the rise of the Galactic Empire. Set between Episo...