E.K. Johnston's "Crimson Climb" is a captivating novel set within the Star Wars universe, following the determined Jedi Padawan Kirak Infil'a on a perilous mission to Mount Tantiss, the legendary home of the ancient Sith temple and its dark secrets. Kirak, accompanied by his compassionate teacher Master Cohmac Witmer, seeks answers about their pasts and the looming threat of Darth Malevolence.
Overall Opinion:
"Crimson Climb" is an engaging Star Wars novel with strengths in character development, action sequences, and exploration of Jedi morality. While the pacing can be uneven at times, and the worldbuilding feels somewhat limited, Kirak's journey and his relationship with Master Cohmac are compelling enough to keep readers invested.
For fans seeking a thrilling adventure with elements of introspection and moral dilemmas within the Star Wars universe, "Crimson Climb" is a worthwhile read.
"Crimson Climb" follows the daring journey of Jedi Knight Calixte, a member of the New Republic's elite Force-users sent to investigate rumors on Ryloth. She's joined by Captain Garen and his crew, tasked with navigating the treacherous "Crimson Cliffs" ? a region shrouded in mystery and ruled by a powerful crime syndicate known as the Crimson Hand.
Their mission: locate a missing Twi'lek Jedi Master who vanished during their last expedition. Calixte soon realizes the danger is far greater than anticipated. The Crimson Hand are not only ruthless criminals but also dabble in forbidden Force techniques, manipulating dark energy for their own gain.
Facing betrayal, perilous climbs, and deadly encounters with the Crimson Hand's enforcers, Calixte must rely on her Jedi training and unwavering spirit to uncover the truth behind the missing Jedi Master and prevent the Crimson Hand from unleashing a dangerous power upon the galaxy.
Sona, struggling to find her place within the Jedi Order and grapple with her anxieties.
The novel is primarily driven by themes of self-discovery, identity, and overcoming fear. Sona's journey is one of constant internal conflict as she navigates the expectations placed upon her by the Jedi and the burgeoning sense of individuality pulling at her. She yearns for a connection deeper than the rigid structure of the Order provides, craving genuine friendship and understanding.
Sona isn't alone in her struggles. Kira, Sona?s close friend from her training on Ilum, battles with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Kira's unwavering loyalty and compassion provide a vital anchor for Sona, forming a powerful bond of trust amidst the challenges they face.
Their shared journey takes them to the heart of Ilum's dangerous crimson mines, where they encounter various themes explored through the environment:
Highlights include:
Conclusion: "Crimson Climb" is a compelling exploration of self-discovery within the intricate framework of the Star Wars universe. Through its vibrant setting, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes, the novel offers a fresh perspective on Jedi training and the enduring quest for identity. Sona and Kira's journey resonates with readers, reminding us that even amidst danger and uncertainty, the power of friendship and self-belief can pave the way to personal growth and triumph.