A.C. Crispin's The Paradise Snare plunges into a captivating tale of espionage, betrayal, and forbidden love within the context of the escalating Galactic Civil War. While it deviates from the S...
Paul S. Kemp's Deceived, a thrilling installment in the Star Wars: The Old Republic novel series, plunges us back into the chaotic galactic war between the Jedi Order and the Sith...
Sean Williams' "Fatal Alliance", set within the expansive Star Wars universe during the twilight years of the Old Republic, throws readers into a thrilling political intrigue laced with betrayal, Jedi con...
Drew Karpyshyn?s The Old Republic: Revan is a thrilling dive into the Star Wars Expanded Universe, focusing on the iconic Jedi Knight turned Sith Lord, Revan. Set thousands of yea...
Drew Karpyshyn's Annihilation is a captivating entry in the vast Star Wars: The Old Republic saga. Set during the Mandalorian Wars, it throws players into a brutal conflict where the fate of the galaxy...
John Jackson Miller's "The Living Force," set between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope," plunges us into the tumultuous era of the early Galactic Empire. It follows Jedi Knight Kan...
Ryder Windham's "The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi" delves into the iconic Jedi Master's journey, weaving together canonical events with newly imagined stories. The...
Ryder Windham's "The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi" delves into the formative years and iconic journey of one of Star Wars' most beloved characters. While not a traditional chr...
Elizabeth Wein's "Cobalt Squadron," set between "The Last Jedi" and "The Rise of Skywalker," offers a thrilling deep dive into the Resistance's struggle for survival. Weaving a story around a group of y...
Timothy Zahn’s The Last Command serves as the epic conclusion to his acclaimed Thrawn Trilogy. While it doesn't quite reach the groundbreaking heights of its predecessors, "Heir to the Empire"...
Cavan Scott's "The High Republic: The Rising Storm," the second installment in the sweeping "High Republic" saga, continues to weave a captivating tapestry of adventure and intrig...
Claudia Gray's "The Fallen Star," the second installment in Lucasfilm Publishing's ambitious "High Republic" initiative, takes a thrillingly divergent path from its predecessor. While "Light of the Jedi...