Sam Maggs' "Jedi: Battle Scars" offers a compelling look into the psychological toll of war on a Jedi Knight, focusing on Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a. The novel follows Kirak's strugg...
Beth Revis' Rebel Rising offers a captivating prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy, focusing on Leia Organa's formative years during her rebellious awakening. The story delves into her early training...
E.K. Johnston's "Crimson Climb" is a captivating novel set within the Star Wars universe, following the determined Jedi Padawan Kirak Infil'a on a perilous mission to Mount Tantiss, the legendary home of the ancient...
E.K. Johnston's "Queen's Hope," the second installment in her Star Wars: The Aftermath trilogy, delves deeper into the tumultuous world of Padm? Amidala following the Clone Wars. With a focus on diplomacy and internal conf...
E.K. Johnston?s Queen's Shadow offers a compelling prequel to the well-loved Star Wars saga, delving into the formative years of Queen Amidala before her fateful journey with Jedi Knight Qui-Gon...
E.K. Johnston's "Queen's Peril," the second installment in her trilogy chronicling Queen Padm? Amidala's reign, is a gripping tale woven into the fabric of prequel-era Star Wars. It delves dee...
Christie Golden's "Dark Disciple" delves into the murky depths of the Clone Wars era, exploring the tangled relationship between Jedi Master Quinlan Vos and his Padawan, Asajj Ventress. While showc...
James Luceno's "Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel" is a prequel to the critically acclaimed film "Rogue One," delving into the early days of the Rebel Alliance and laying the groundwork fo...
Mike Chen's "Brotherhood," set in the tumultuous years between Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Order 66, delves into the complex relationship between two iconic figure...
Delilah S. Dawson's "Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade" plunges readers into the dark side of the galaxy, focusing on the enigmatic Fifth Brother, a formidable Inquisitor serving Darth Vader. The novel d...
Cavan Scott's "Dooku: Jedi Lost" delves into the tragic fall of Count Dooku, weaving a captivating tale that explores the complexities of morality, ambition, and disillusionment within the Star Wars univer...
John Jackson Miller's "The Living Force," set between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope," plunges us into the tumultuous era of the early Galactic Empire. It follows Jedi Knight Kan...