Beth Revis's "The Princess and the Scoundrel" is a Star Wars novel that dives into Leia Organa's early adventures after her daring escape from the clutches of the Em...
Alexander Freed's "Battlefront: Twilight Company" plunges readers into the heart of the Galactic Civil War, focusing on a ragtag group of clone troopers struggling to survive amidst the chaos of Order 66. T...
Sarah Kuhn's Doctor Aphra offers a delightful romp through the Star Wars universe, introducing readers to the titular archaeologist-turned-rogue, Dr. Chelli Lomee, a cunning and moral...
Claudia Gray's "Leia, Princess of Alderaan" plunges us into a crucial period in Leia Organa's life, exploring her formative years before the rise of the Galactic Empire. Set between Episo...
Kevin Hearne's "Heir to the Jedi", the first installment in the New Jedi Order series, takes readers on a journey back to familiar ground after years of exploring new eras within the Star Wars univers...
Christie Golden's "Inferno Squad" offers a compelling glimpse into the tumultuous life of Imperial soldiers during the Galactic Civil War, set amidst the events of Star Wars Battlefront II. The novel focuse...
Alexander Freed's novel "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" attempts to flesh out the events leading up to the iconic film of the same name. While it successfully paints a broader picture of the Rebel Alliance's...
Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn: Treason," the third installment in his acclaimed Thrawn trilogy, dives deep into the Grand Admiral's cunning mind and explores the complexities of loyalty, manipulation, and...
Timothy Zahn, the architect of Grand Admiral Thrawn's original rise to infamy, returns in "Thrawn: Alliances," a captivating prequel exploring the intricate machinations between Thrawn and D...
Claudia Gray's Lost Stars offers a compelling journey through the Galactic Civil War, weaving a tale of love, loss, and sacrifice through the intertwined stories of Thane Kyrell and Roan, two...
Mur Lafferty's Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition dives deeper into the beloved smuggler Han Solo's origin story, enriching the film with backstory and detail. This novel, while based on...
John Jackson Miller's "A New Dawn," a prequel set between the events of "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" and "Star Wars: A New Hope," offers a fascinating glimpse into the beg...