Alexander Freed's Shadow Fall, the second installment in his Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy, continues the story of its plucky band of pilots struggling to survive against a resurgent Imperial threat. The novel delv...
Greg Bear's "Rogue Planet" is a thrilling installment in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, plunging readers into a complex narrative entangled with political intrigue, ancient mysteries, and the ever-present thr...
Greg Bear's Rogue Planet is a compelling addition to the Star Wars expanded universe, offering a unique blend of classic adventure and philosophical exploration. The novel center...
Alexander Freed's novel "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" attempts to flesh out the events leading up to the iconic film of the same name. While it successfully paints a broader picture of the Rebel Alliance's...
Rebecca Roanhorse's "Resistance Reborn," the first novel in the "Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures" series, plunges us back into the hopeful era of the Jedi Order's flourishing and t...
"Red Harvest" by Joe Schreiber plunges us into the dark underbelly of the Outer Rim in a thrilling tale set between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope." The story centers on bounty hunter...
E.K. Johnston?s Queen's Shadow offers a compelling prequel to the well-loved Star Wars saga, delving into the formative years of Queen Amidala before her fateful journey with Jedi Knight Qui-Gon...
A.C. Crispin's Rebel Dawn plunges readers into the heart of the burgeoning Rebel Alliance, chronicling the early stages of their fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire. It’s a thrilling story that captu...
Beth Revis' Rebel Rising offers a captivating prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy, focusing on Leia Organa's formative years during her rebellious awakening. The story delves into her early training...
E.K. Johnston's "Queen's Peril," the second installment in her trilogy chronicling Queen Padm? Amidala's reign, is a gripping tale woven into the fabric of prequel-era Star Wars. It delves dee...
E.K. Johnston's "Queen's Hope," the second installment in her Star Wars: The Aftermath trilogy, delves deeper into the tumultuous world of Padm? Amidala following the Clone Wars. With a focus on diplomacy and internal conf...
Alex Segura's "Poe Dameron: Free Fall" plunges readers headfirst into the heart of the Resistance's desperate struggle against the First Order. The story follows Poe Dameron, beloved pilot...