John Jackson Miller's "Knight Errant" is a compelling addition to the Expanded Universe (now Legends), immersing readers in the adventures of Jedi Knight Kerra Holt during the tumultuous period fol...
David Sherman's "Jedi Trial" plunges us into the heart of Jedi training during the High Republic era, a period brimming with hope and optimism within the galaxy. The story follows a young Pada...
Sam Maggs' "Jedi: Battle Scars" offers a compelling look into the psychological toll of war on a Jedi Knight, focusing on Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a. The novel follows Kirak's strugg...
Delilah S. Dawson's "Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade" plunges readers into the dark side of the galaxy, focusing on the enigmatic Fifth Brother, a formidable Inquisitor serving Darth Vader. The novel d...
"I, Jedi," the inaugural novel in the New Jedi Order series, attempts to chart a new course for the Star Wars universe following the fall of the Empire. While it introduces exciting characters and intriguing...
Kevin Hearne's "Heir to the Jedi", the first installment in the New Jedi Order series, takes readers on a journey back to familiar ground after years of exploring new eras within the Star Wars univers...
Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire is more than just a Star Wars novel; it's a landmark achievement that redefined what Expanded Universe (now Legends) storytelling could be. Set five years afte...
Delilah S. Dawson's "Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire" offers a captivating glimpse into the bustling world of Batuu, the heart of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland and Disney World. This novel...
Kevin Shinick's "Force Collector" throws readers into a Star Wars story brimming with intriguing mysteries and action-packed sequences. Following the enigmatic Force-sensitive figure known...
Cavan Scott's "Dooku: Jedi Lost" delves into the tragic fall of Count Dooku, weaving a captivating tale that explores the complexities of morality, ambition, and disillusionment within the Star Wars univer...
Sarah Kuhn's Doctor Aphra offers a delightful romp through the Star Wars universe, introducing readers to the titular archaeologist-turned-rogue, Dr. Chelli Lomee, a cunning and moral...
Tim Lebbon's "Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void" plunges us 25,000 years before the Skywalker saga, introducing a nascent Force Order grappling with its origins and facing a cosmic...