A.C. Crispin's The Paradise Snare plunges into a captivating tale of espionage, betrayal, and forbidden love within the context of the escalating Galactic Civil War. While it deviates from the S...
A.C. Crispin's Rebel Dawn plunges readers into the heart of the burgeoning Rebel Alliance, chronicling the early stages of their fight against the oppressive Galactic Empire. It’s a thrilling story that captu...
"I, Jedi," the inaugural novel in the New Jedi Order series, attempts to chart a new course for the Star Wars universe following the fall of the Empire. While it introduces exciting characters and intriguing...
Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire is more than just a Star Wars novel; it's a landmark achievement that redefined what Expanded Universe (now Legends) storytelling could be. Set five years afte...
Timothy Zahn’s Dark Force Rising , the second installment in his lauded Thrawn Trilogy, effortlessly surpasses its predecessor, escalating both the action and emotional stakes while delving deeper...
Timothy Zahn’s The Last Command serves as the epic conclusion to his acclaimed Thrawn Trilogy. While it doesn't quite reach the groundbreaking heights of its predecessors, "Heir to the Empire"...
Ryder Windham's "The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi" delves into the formative years and iconic journey of one of Star Wars' most beloved characters. While not a traditional chr...
Ryder Windham's "The Wrath of Darth Maul" plunges readers back into the shadowy depths of the Star Wars universe, exploring a pivotal period in Darth Maul's life following his apparent demise at...
Rae Carson's "Most Wanted" is a thrilling space adventure that throws readers into the heart of the Outer Rim, where cunning smugglers and ruthless bounty hunters clash under the looming...
James Luceno's "Tarkin" offers a captivating exploration into the origins and psyche of one of Star Wars' most iconic villains, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Set during the tumultuous early y...
Paul S. Kemp's "Lords of the Sith" plunges readers into a chilling exploration of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine's ruthless rule. Set during the reign of terror between R...
Timothy Zahn's Thrawn introduces readers to one of Star Wars' most iconic villains, Grand Admiral Thrawn. Set after the events of Return of the Jedi , this novel delves into the cunning st...