George Mann's "The Eye of Darkness" is a captivating foray into the optimistic era of the High Republic, offering thrilling space adventures and intriguing charact...
George Mann's "The Battle of Jedha," a thrilling installment in the Star Wars: High Republic saga, plunges readers into the heart of conflict during the era of...
George Mann's The High Republic: Tears of the Nameless plunges readers deeper into the golden age of the Jedi, exploring a conflict fueled by fear, ancient mysteries, and the weight of forgotten history.
Cavan Scott's Tempest Runner, the latest installment in the burgeoning High Republic era, plunges us into a whirlwind adventure filled with action-packed space battles, political intrigue, a...
Tessa Gratton's "Temptation of the Force," set in the vibrant era of the High Republic, plunges readers into a story where the allure of power dances with righteous intention...
Cavan Scott's "The High Republic: Path of Vengeance" plunges readers deep into the Jedi Order's tumultuous era, exploring themes of vengeance, redemption, and the corrupting influen...
Tessa Gratton's "Path of Deceit" delves into the murky depths of the Jedi Order during the High Republic era, offering a captivating story interwoven with themes of b...
Justina Ireland's "Out of the Shadows," the third installment in the ambitious "High Republic" saga, offers a compelling glimpse into the galaxy's darker underbel...
Daniel Jos? Older's "Midnight Horizon," the second installment in the "High Republic Adventures" series, plunges readers into a dark and thrilling corner of the galaxy far, far...
Charles Soule's "Light of the Jedi," the inaugural novel of the High Republic era in Star Wars lore, plunges us into a galaxy bathed in unprecedented peace and pr...
Claudia Gray's "Into the Dark," the sixth installment in the sprawling "High Republic" saga, delves deeper into the conflict brewing on the Outer Rim planet of Dalna. This thrilling tale, set 2...
Tessa Gratton's "Defy the Storm," the second installment in the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative, delves deeper into a golden age of peace and prosperity, explo...