Zoraida C?rdova's "The High Republic: Convergence," the climactic installment in the first phase of the High Republic publishing initiative, attempts to...
Lydia Kang's "The High Republic: Cataclysm" plunges us into a pivotal moment within the Star Wars universe, showcasing the Jedi Order at its zenith before the cataclysmic event known as the Great Disas...
Steven Barnes's The Cestus Deception, set within the expansive Star Wars universe, presents a compelling premise ? a high-stakes mystery on a remote world with Je...
Alan Dean Foster's "The Approaching Storm," the second novel in his "Shadows of the Empire" series, sets the stage for a galactic power struggle amidst the shadows. It delves deeper into Prince X...
James Luceno's "Tarkin" offers a captivating exploration into the origins and psyche of one of Star Wars' most iconic villains, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Set during the tumultuous early y...
Alan Dean Foster's "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is a novelization of the 2015 blockbuster film, bridging the gap between the classic trilogy and the new generation of heroes. It ex...
Jason Fry's "Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition" serves as a compelling companion piece to the film, diving deeper into the events surrounding Rey,...
Rae Carson's "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition" attempts to bridge the gap between the film adaptation and a deeper exploration of the characters an...
Dave Wolverton's "Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates," part of the Star Wars Missions series, plunges readers into a thrilling adventure set in the Outer Rim. This Young Adult novel follows...
"The Ruins of Dantooine," a novel set within the Star Wars Galaxies universe, offers a tantalizing blend of mystery and exploration. Authors Vor...
Mur Lafferty's Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition dives deeper into the beloved smuggler Han Solo's origin story, enriching the film with backstory and detail. This novel, while based on...
Adam Christopher's "Shadow of the Sith" throws readers into a thrilling adventure set shortly after the Clone Wars, offering a fresh perspective on the tumultuous times between Order 66...